Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Symptoms and Proper Diagnosis

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) touches the lives of millions of Americans on a daily basis. Understanding the predicament of the afflicted may improve the quality of care they receive. Recognizing the symptoms of TBI is the first step to alleviating the burden of disability.

Traumatic brain injury in daily life

When a child falls and hits their head, there might be resulting damage to the brain. When an adult figures in a vehicular accident, he or she may hit her head on the dashboard, which could result in bruising of brain tissue.

When the brain is jarred within the skull, and the blood vessels and nerves shear a myriad of symptoms arise, and the victim can have a significant disability. About 1.7 million people endure the lasting effects of TBI. Some people lose their lives, but others suffer for many years from cognitive problems and unpredictable shifts in behavior.

Diagnosis of brain injury

In Los Angeles, a brain injury lawyer can help you sort out the legal maze that leads to monetary compensation. That is if your suffering comes from the hands of another. Brain trauma from direct physical violence, or as a consequence of a road accident requires medical and surgical intervention.

However, the problem must first be diagnosed properly by a medical doctor. A proper diagnosis can help your legal battle. For a diagnosis of traumatic brain injury to be made, a doctor would supplement physical examination with diagnostic tests.

Blood tests are often necessary. If an X-ray does not reveal enough information, a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) might be recommended. These advanced procedures offer more detailed images that can direct the course of treatment.

Mild traumatic brain injury

Mild traumatic brain injury goes by other names, including minor head injury and concussion. It is the most prevalent form of brain damage and may be missed altogether, particularly when the afflicted chooses not to consult with a physician despite persistent symptoms.

The severity of symptoms cannot be predicted during the initial consultation, and the complete clinical picture may develop and unfold in time. Mild brain damage is characterized by loss of consciousness for less than 30 minutes.

In some people, there is no loss of consciousness, but instead disorientation and confusion. Mild TBI could manifest as a mood disorder, poor attention, loss of memory, and fuzziness. Some people experience temporary loss of smell, nausea, and sensitivity to sounds or to light.

Mild TBI symptoms

Head Injury

Unfortunately, the symptoms of Mild TBI may be dismissed as irksome and temporary. Some of the symptoms of brain damage may be confused as typical manifestations of fatigue, stress, and mistaken for something else. Any change in mental status after a head trauma should be brought to the attention of a physician.

Spreading awareness of the symptoms of traumatic brain injury can lead to significant improvement in the quality of care. The afflicted may be diagnosed poorly or improperly.

Recognizing the symptoms for what they represent is an important first step in effective management. It is possible to improve the quality of life of persons with Mild TBI.

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