4 Honeymoon Destinations for You and Your Partner

Your wedding celebration is a memorable event for you, your spouse, and the entire family. The tears, the overflowing love, and the smiles all fill you up with positivity and good vibes. You may think that the fun and merrymaking have ended at the reception, but you still have something to look forward to — the honeymoon. It is that occasion where you and your spouse can have your own private time, enjoying each other’s company while discovering new places and experiences. And because it is a special occasion, it also calls for a special destination. Don’t worry, as the world has a wealth of lovely places that you can visit.

Planning your honeymoon should be done in advance, preferably while you are planning the wedding. If you are still at this point, this list may help you out. Here are some of the best and popular places that you and your spouse can visit:

Fly to Asia

Asia has always been a top pick for many people when it comes to holidays, so you can be sure that this continent will make a great place for your honeymoon. A great blend of modernity and tradition awaits in Singapore. If you want an eclectic beat, Japan and South Korea make a great choice. For those who are into solemn vacations, Cambodia is a great spot. Love beaches? Thailand and the Philippines surely got something for you.

Stay in the North

If you want to discover the northern part of the Americas, you will discover that there are a lot of great places to marvel at. For one, Vancouver will let you experience the lifestyle of one of the sustainable cities in the world. The same goes for Calgary and Toronto. If you want to go for something adventurous, try salmon fishing in Alaska!

Be stylish in Europe


Europe will always be a cultural powerhouse, so you might want to discover what it has in store for you. Paris will surely be at the top of your list, but take the time to discover the nearby cities of Hamburg in Germany, Madrid and Barcelona in Spain, and Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Go farther in the north to explore the beautiful Scandinavian nations, such as Norway, Sweden, and Finland.

Run free in Africa

A different flavor for your honeymoon can be found in the African continent. Run wild and free in the savannahs of Tanzania or have some tropical fun in Zanzibar’s pristine beaches. You may want to try hiking up in the Kilimanjaro.

Your honeymoon with your spouse is an occasion you will surely look forward to, and you definitely want this time to be special and memorable. Start with picking the right destination. You may feel overwhelmed at first upon discovering that there are a lot of beautiful places worthy of your visit. But know your objectives, your budget, and the amount of time you are all willing to take. Make the planning much easier with the help of a tour operator.

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