White Bread vs. Whole-wheat Bread: Which Is Better?

When it comes to health, we are often advised not to eat fatty and sugary foods, eat more proteins, stay away from anything fried, and have regular exercise. A lot of diet trends have sprouted here and there, all of which promise one thing: to help you lose weight. Food establishments have also caught on the healthy living trend, aiming for those who want to live a healthy lifestyle.

As a food business owner, you want to be relevant to your target customers and keep it that way. Choosing the right baking or kitchen equipment is also a crucial part of your food establishment’s success. You also need to study your target market, their lifestyle, and their purchasing behavior. You want your customers not only to enjoy their food but also promote a healthy diet and lifestyle.

All about bread

In many countries, bread is the primary source of carbohydrates. It can be paired with various dishes such as pasta and meat. However, bread is not created equal. For one thing, each type of bread contains different nutritional contents that are supposed to benefit our health holistically.

That is why you should be wary of what kind of bread you are going to buy. There are many types of bread, but two of the most popular ones are whole wheat and white bread. As you might know, wheat bread is said to be more beneficial to health than the white variety. However, some caveats surround such beliefs.

Wheat bread or white bread?

white bread

They are both bread. If you need your daily carb fix, you can eat either because they might have no difference anyway. Bread is bread, after all… well, not really. Their difference lies in how they are processed.

On the one hand, wheat bread contains all of the nutritional components, such as the germ and bran. In other words, all of the vitamins and minerals in these components remain intact. On the other hand, white bread contains more starch and has been stripped off of the nutritional components that wheat bread is supposed to have.

While we can conclude that the former is more nutritious, the latter is still popular mainly due to its addictingly creamy and delicious taste. It usually does not run out of stock since you can find it in your nearest bakery or grocery store. It is also cheaper and fortified to make up for the lost nutritional content during the baking process.

However, white bread is still not as considered “healthy” like whole-wheat bread. Unlike wheat bread, white bread lacks fiber and is not recommended for people with diabetes. If you are on a diet, you should avoid eating white bread and consume wheat bread instead.

Speaking of wheat bread, it can help reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It also promotes healthier digestion and can aid in weight loss. However, wheat bread might not be 100 percent made from whole wheat and can have preservatives to extend its shelf life.

The winner here is wheat bread. However, this does not mean we should completely ignore white bread. We can enjoy two slices – at most – of white bread and savor its taste and creaminess. Moderation is vital, regardless of what type of food we consume.

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