The 8 Basic Tips for Generator Safety

A generator can be your beacon of hope during a power outage and the aftermath of natural disasters. However, they can also be deadly machines if mishandled. That said, it’s important to learn about basic generator safety.

Generators are useful machines when you need to be somewhere without power, or you experience long-term power outages. But if they are not handled properly, they can be hazardous, even fatal. In places like Trinidad, where power is not always available, motor rewinding services or generator repair are crucial. If you are using a generator as a back-up or a primary source of electricity, here are the safety measures you should always remember:

1. Use the generator outdoors

A generator can cause carbon monoxide poisoning if it is left running indoors. Situate your generator outdoors where there is lots of air and ventilation. You can store a generator indoors, but you should never operate it inside the home or even in the garage.

2. Use heavy-duty extension cords

Use heavy-duty extension cords to power appliances. Connecting the generator directly into the wall can cause a back feed.

3. Turn the generator on first

Before plugging electronics into the generator, make sure you turn the generator on. Turn your appliances, electronics, and lights on one by one to prevent your generator from overloading.

4. Don’t overload the generator

A generator is meant to be used for temporary power only. Prioritize what you need to use the power for since it is limited. Avoid overloading the generator with multiple things connected to it.

5. Protect the generator from water

Mobile diesel generator for emergency electric power use for outdoor

Generators produce electricity and as you know, electricity and water do not mix. If the weather causes wet or damp conditions, only use the generator if it is absolutely necessary as this can pose electrical risks. When operating the generator, always make sure your hands and clothes are dry.

6. Turn it off before refueling

Be sure to turn your generator off before putting more fuel in. Since a generator heats up when running, you can cause a fire if gasoline is spilled onto the hot surface.

7. Store fuel in a safe place

Put fuel in a dry, protected area where children and pets cannot get to it. Ensure that the fuel is not stored near a fuel-burning appliance or anything that can ignite. Moreover, only store fuel in the approved safety can.

8. Install CO alarms

Put a carbon monoxide alarm on every level and in every room in your house. Carbon monoxide is an invisible, poisonous gas, and it can be difficult to detect until it’s too late. If any member of the household starts feeling sick or dizzy while the generator is running, get them outside to breathe fresh air as soon as possible.

A generator has many uses, especially in situations where you need it the most. However, it can also cause several safety issues if used irresponsibly. To protect yourself, your home, and your family from these risks, make sure you follow these safety measures each time you use your generator.

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