Space Savers: Making the Most Out of Your Small Bathroom Space

It wasn’t uncommon back in the 40s (and even further) for home bathrooms to be built and designed in a utilitarian way and were made big enough just to get the job done. Most homes with bigger bathrooms that offer style and luxury were more common for more affluent families or royalty. Nowadays, we see bathrooms as more than just a place to clean up and do our business, and somewhat as a room to relax and rejuvenate, and even groom ourselves, and is big enough to hold not just “bathroom necessities” but even medicine, towels, skin products, and other items.

However, it’s not always that we can have the big bathroom that we want, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find ways to make the most out of smaller and more humbler bathrooms. So let’s take a look at tips and advice for you to maximize your limited bathroom space:

Change the Swing or Simply Slide

Traditional swinging bathroom doors can actually take a lot of space and also limits the usable space within the bathroom. As such, instead of having the bathroom door swing towards the inside, reversing the door swing can help you gain a lot of space, and you wouldn’t have to worry about your bathroom door hitting the shelves, furniture, railing, or any other objects on the other side. Alternatively, you can change your bathroom door from a traditional swinging door to a sliding door, which is a lot more space-saving.

Corner Sinks and Shower Units

By placing your sink or shower unit in the corner, it can actually save a lot of space and would look a lot more seamless and give a modern aesthetic. Corner units allow you for more space in the rest of the bathroom as traditional sinks that are positioned against the wall can take up a lot of precious limited space. You can also install a cabinet base for your sink to add more storage plus (and hide unsightly pipes).

Get a Big Mirror

bathroom mirror

A bigger mirror won’t exactly add space, but having a mirror above your vanity or sink extend as much as it can vertically and horizontally can actually trick the eye into thinking that the bathroom is more spacious and has more depth than it actually has.

Go For Glass

Instead of those bulky shower curtains, opt for a glass-enclosed shower instead. Glass showers prevent spillage more effectively, and can provide a full view of the bathroom to allow it to look and feel more spacious, instead of the claustrophobic feel that shower curtains often give.

Shelves: Think Vertical

If your bathroom’s horizontal space is limited, it’s best to think about vertical storage. Shelves can easily be installed above thevanity cabinets or bathroom sink of your Salt Lake City home or apartment, and allow you to make the most out of every free space you have in your bathroom walls. These shelves can store your paper products or towels, or other shower and bath essentials. Alternatively, there are also floating vanity cabinets that you can install to accommodate drainage as well as to prevent your wooden cabinet from suffering from water damage in case of spills.


As important it is to maximize the space of your bathroom, always remember to put safety first as the bathroom is the part of the home wherein the majority of home accidents occur. So when re-arranging your sinks, changing your doors, or adding shelves, it’s important to keep safety in mind when re-designing and refurbishing your small bathroom to maximize its space.

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