Uneven Heating at Home: What’s the Problem?

When certain parts of the house feel warmer than others, you may think that cranking up the thermostat can solve the problem. Adjusting the temperature higher, however, is actually inefficient, as it won’t you give more heat or warm up the room faster. It will only make your heating system run longer to reach the set temperature, which then causes more stress to the unit.

Fixing this problem starts with finding out what’s causing the temperature imbalance in your home. Furnace repair experts in Orem, Utah share some of the things you can look into:

Dirty or clogged filters

It is likely for some rooms to feel cold and chilly if your furnace filter is clogged and dirty. This is because it can obstruct the airflow and restrict the amount of warmth that can circulate throughout the space, leading to uneven heating or certain rooms receiving more heat than others.

This only makes it important to inspect and replace your filter regularly. It is also advisable to check the recommended time for them to be replaced, as not all air filters are created equal. You can also benefit from consulting a heating and cooling professional to find out which type of filter you should use.

Blocked vents

filter cleaningThere are cases where carpets, piles of clothing, books, and other objects may have been blocking the vents where the air is supposed to come out. Furniture pieces placed in front of the vents can also block the airflow (reducing it by 30% or more), as well as cause more stress and damage to the unit.

If there are parts of the house that don’t seem to stay warm, check the vents or the heat registers and make sure that they are not blocked. Keeping the vents free from any obstruction will only make every room of the house comfortable, but also help your furnace work efficiently.

Improperly sized furnace

If your heating unit is undersized, it may not be able to provide enough warm air to heat your home. If it is too big, on the other hand, frequently short cycling can be an issue, restricting the ability of furnace to heat your home evenly. This can lead to more wear and tear, as well as higher energy bills.

Supplementing the improperly sized furnace can help you deal with inadequate heating and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. If your unit is too old or needs frequent repairs, however, you can consider replacing it with a new and a properly sized one.

Leaks and poor insulation

Leaks from windows and doors can let the cold in and lower the space’s temperature. Preventing this can be as easy as finding the leaks and sealing them up with caulking and weather stripping. You can also update (repair or add layers) or replace (if you have extra budget) old windows to make your home more energy efficient.

You should also check the insulation of your home, as lack of it can cause the heat to escape through walls, attics, windows, and doors. If poor insulation is the reason you can’t retain warm air, you may want to winterize your home or add new insulation.

Don’t let uneven heating make you and your family uncomfortable during the colder seasons. If basic repairs won’t solve the problem, contact a heating professional today to figure out what’s wrong with your unit.

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