How You Can Make Your Rental Property Accessible to People with Disabilities

People with disabilities often find themselves out of options when it comes to finding an apartment for rent. Landlords can make this process easier by making their rentals accessible to people with disabilities. Landlords can also attract more tenants this way.

They are also more likely to attract clients who prefer to live in an accessible home in the latter part of their lives as it makes dealing with illness and recovery much easier. Overall, it is always a sensible decision to make a home more accessible by considering some features that you can add easily.

Adding a ramp next to the stairs

This makes life easier for everyone, not just those who use wheelchairs. In case of emergencies, stretchers can be carried in easily. Moving furniture in can also become much easier, and this makes your rental appealing to young people. Families with children can also use the ramp for their strollers, while older people with joint pain will find it easier to use the ramp instead of the stairs.

Adding a walk-in bathtub

Making an apartment accessible to people with disabilities and the elderly doesn’t mean having to forego the luxuries or pleasures of modern living. You can make the bathrooms easier to use by adding a walk-in bathtub for elderly people or a handicap bathtub, which has grab bars, a slip-resistant floor, and a low-level, waterproof, and accessible door. These can also be portable, which means that your preexisting bathroom does not need to go through expensive remodeling.

old woman

Installing phones and emergency cords

Bathrooms and bedrooms are dangerous places for the handicapped and the elderly. In addition to adding grab bars all along the way, you can also install emergency pull-string cords and phones. These phones can be connected to an emergency number, which can be dialed at the push of a button.

Replacing doorknobs with lever handles

Door knobs can actually be a dangerous fixture in any home. They are difficult to turn when the hands are slippery. They sometimes also require a lot more force than someone who is sick can muster. On top of that, in emergencies such as fires or kitchen accidents, doorknobs are hard to operate. It is better to replace these doorknobs with lever handles so that everyone can easily turn them.

Installing slip-resistant floors

When renovating or building a new property, make sure to install slip-resistant floor materials in key areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. Simply installing grab bars is not enough. Most accidents happen when getting off the bed or couch. If it is not possible to do a complete overhaul, you can purchase vinyl materials to cover the important areas.

Homes that are accessible to people with disabilities and the elderly are welcoming for all, whether one is hosting someone over the weekend or are disabled themselves. It is important for disabled people to be able to live independently in a safe and comfortable home. It is both a thoughtful gesture as a landlord and a good business decision.

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