How to Get a Second Date with Someone You Really Like

Have you ever liked someone so bad that you are so excited to go on a first date with them? First dates can give you the jitters, no matter what your age or gender is. And because of this, your nerves can quickly get in the way, making it impossible for you and your date to have a great time.

You and your date deserve to have a good time. So today, we will discuss how you should behave during your first date. Go ahead, make your matchmaker in Houston proud, and arrange your first date!

Don’t Take Everything Too Seriously

Being too serious and stiff can instantly kill the mood. Yes, you both might be feeling nervous. But once you sit down and start sharing stories and eating your favorite food, the atmosphere will lighten.

First, avoid asking interrogating questions. You can playfully ask them about their job and hobbies without sounding too formal. Remember to smile, laugh, make eye contact, and just be yourself! Be genuine, and everything else will follow.

Share Something Meaningful

Your first few questions might include the usual: “What do you do?” or “Where do you live?” But these questions won’t make you both talk for hours. If you want the conversation to last, then you might want to share something meaningful or personal.

For example, when you can ask them about their hobbies and learn that you enjoy something similar, then open up and tell them your experiences. The more stories you share, the better you will get to know each other and feel an instant bond.

Watch Your Body Language

on a date

Your body language can give a couple of signs or clues to your date, even if you are doing it unconsciously. This is the main reason why you should watch your body language. Your date can get offended or turned off by your body language alone.

Make sure to avoid frowning and always wear a smile. This will seem inviting and warm, so your date will feel comfortable. Avoid crossing your arms or legs because doing so might communicate that you are bored, angry, or stern. Make eye contact, smile and laugh, and move a little closer to them so that they will know that you are enjoying your time together.

Avoid Getting Drunk

Taking a few sips of your favorite wine is okay, but you have to remember not to get too drunk when on a date. First, you can easily embarrass yourself if you get too drunk. Second, your date can be turned off and might even leave the scene earlier than expected. If you need some wine or beer to calm your nerves, then make sure to drink it in moderation so that you won’t be intoxicated and lose control of the situation.

Remember to be confident and be yourself throughout the whole date! Don’t let your nerves get the best of you. Give yourself a pep talk beforehand so that you will be ready to sweep your date off their feet!

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