Costly Bathroom Remodeling Blunders Every Homeowner Needs to Avoid

Before, a bathroom was purely an area where we got to clean our bodies and do our personal business. Nowadays, the humble space is now a silent sanctuary where you can relax, recharge, and de-stress. This is why one of the most in-demand renovation projects for homeowners now is bathroom renovations.

However, not all projects turn out to be successful. If you plan on giving your bathroom a makeover, make sure not to make the following mistakes. If you do, it could end up in consequences that could break your bank and your heart.

A lack of planning

Whatever project you want to tackle in your home, make sure to always have a plan. This allows you to check which projects you need to prioritize first. Planning is essential as a bathroom renovation can be a costly home improvement.

If you don’t plan your bathroom remodel properly, you may end up spending more than you can afford. Make sure to consider not only the costs of materials and the time it will take to finish the project. It is also essential to anticipate the labor costs, and set aside some budget for surprise expenses.

Disregarding functionality

Many consider home improvements mainly as a way to boost the visual appeal of a home. There are also tons of homeowners who renovate for the sake of increasing the total home value. However, only a chosen few choose functionality over beauty when renovating. If you rely only on aesthetics, you might end up having to renovate again soon. Let functionality be one of your priorities, and you’ll feel twice as satisfied with your project.

man designing the bathroom

Relocating bathroom fixtures

One should think carefully before moving any bathroom fixture around. One tiny mistake and you can end up having to pay thousands of dollars to fix the issue. When it comes to moving bathroom fixtures, you might need new plumbing. In Utah, there are lots of reputable suppliers that can cater to your industrial piping needs. But before you decide to do it, make sure to think twice. There are lots of bathroom renovation projects that don’t require you to move any of your fixtures.

Forgetting about smart storage

Storage is a must-have for every bathroom. However, it can be challenging to improve your storage if you have a tiny bathroom to work on. To maximize your small bathroom space, consider smart storage. You get to maximize your space but still have enough designated area for your cosmetics, toiletries, towels, etc.

Taking ventilation for granted

Many of us forget to consider ventilation when improving our homes. If you lack ventilation, the space can feel too hot and humid. Such an environment can be a breeding ground for mold and mildew. You don’t want to end up doubling your expenses and putting your health at risk because of a bathroom renovation gone wrong.

Ventilation, storage, functionality, and proper planning are what you should never take for granted in bathroom remodeling. Failure to do so can lead to expensive repairs. This is especially true if you fail to hire a competent contractor to work on your project. Plan your bathroom renovation with care. Don’t DIY on projects that require the expertise of an expert. Make the most out of your bathroom remodeling by keeping this list in mind.

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