Everything You Should Know About Wisdom Teeth

If you experience pain in your mouth, this might be because of your wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth extraction is a very common procedure. At some point, you may need this oral procedure, especially when you start to experience nagging pain. While this is a common procedure, it’s still advisable to know some of the basic things. Let’s get started.

Wisdom Teeth: They Have No Purpose

Other than pain, wisdom teeth have no purpose. Back in the prehistoric days, they were useful because people had to chew on leaves, roots, and raw meat, and they use their wisdom teeth more often than not. However, as time passes, people no longer need to use forceful bite to eat their food.

They Create More Oral Problems

While they serve no purpose, they do give us one thing – problems. Most people need to get their wisdom teeth extracted at around 17-25 years old. However, not everyone experiences this – some people never have problems with their wisdom teeth. Although some people get impacted wisdom teeth, which are very painful and can damage your other teeth. If you have impacted wisdom teeth, you could also get cysts or infections.

However, impacted wisdom teeth are not the only thing you may face. For instance, you can get pericoronitis, which is tissue inflammation that surrounds a partially exposed wisdom tooth. You could also get cavities on your wisdom teeth. People often visit the dentist to get their wisdom teeth extracted before they deal with any of these problems.

Surgery is the Answer

Unfortunately, the only way you can deal with your wisdom teeth is to get surgery. You need to find an experienced oral surgeon in Richmond, Indiana, to extract them for you. They will use an anesthetic to numb a specific area. Normally they will use a local anesthetic, but if you are getting several teeth removed, they will use a general anesthetic that will make you sleep during the surgery. Afterward, the oral surgeon will remove the teeth and probably give you stitches that will either be removed or melt a few days after the surgery.

Recovery Is Pain

man suffering from toothache

The road to recovery after wisdom teeth extractions can be painful. Most people need a few days of bed rest until they can go back to work and school. You should listen to the oral surgeon’s instructions carefully to make sure you make a full recovery. For instance, you should only eat thin soups and soft foods, so you need to avoid any crunchy crackers first. You should also be sure that you do not lie flat, you should always use pillows to prop your head up.

These are just some of the few things you should know about wisdom teeth. Have yours checked by a specialist. This is probably one of the most painful oral procedures, but there is now anesthesia that could help alleviate the pain. Ask your dentist about your options when it comes to this procedure. For sure, they can offer you to reduce the pain during and after the procedure.

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