Curious to learn about invisible aligners? Your 5 FAQs answered

Due to their increase in popularity, chances are that even the most dental phobic of people have heard about the boom in braces for adults.

Having moved on from traditional, metal braces, this area has since expanded to now include clear braces, such as Six Month Smiles and invisible aligners, such as the world-famous Invisalign Weybridge.

So, if you are an adult or teenager who now feels that they could benefit from a realignment of their teeth, it may be time to talk to your dentist about undertaking one of these options. In this article, invisible aligners will be looked at in relation to FAQs, to help you get a better understanding of how this aligner works.

How do they work without metal?

Firstly, when your dentist gives you the green light to use an invisible aligner, they will take a 3D scan of your mouth. These images will be sent to a dental laboratory where a set of aligners will be printed out of a firm, clear, malleable plastic. These aligners will come in a specific order, which you will have to follow to get the most from this type of orthodontics.

Each aligner is a different shape, and will use the firm shape of the aligner to move your teeth gradually and gently; there are no adjustments needed and you won’t need to have them tightened!

Can they treat an overbite?

Yes, they can, but this will depend on the severity of the condition.

For a standard overbite, invisible aligners will be able to move the teeth back so they mesh with the lower jaw. If you have a more complex overbite, or your molars or canine teeth need to be rotated, then you may be more suited to having a clear fixed brace.

But, of course, it is up to your dentist or orthodontist to decide which method is suitable for you.

How long will my treatment with these invisible aligners be?

invisible aligners

As above, this will depend on the complexity of the issue being treated.

Most invisible aligners can straighten your teeth in as little as 3 months, but on average the treatment time is 6 months. And if you are using this aligner in a series of orthodontic treatments, then the time will obviously be extended.

Once again, your dentist or orthodontist will be able to advise you on your individual treatment time.

I read I need to change the aligners myself – is this true?

Yes, you do and on average, they will need changing every 2 weeks.

This particular invisible aligner comes with an app, so you can send images of your teeth to your dentist; this will allow them to assess whether or not you need to move on to the next aligner. If it feels loose, move on to the next one!

How expensive is it?

Not overly; each treatment is individualised and so is the cost of each treatment.

Talk to your dental team about a payment plan or financing options to spread the cost.

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