How would you like to have the perfect smile

Your personality is usually easily recognisable by your smile. You can have the perfect smile but before rushing into any veneers procedure in Wagga it is paramount that a comprehensive professional assessment is carried out. A suitably qualified dental practitioner will offer you a complete evaluation and will advise you of all the pros and cons. The first step to getting that perfect smile requires you to make an appointment. At this first appointment an impression of your teeth will be taken. A temporary veneer will then be created by the technicians. It will then be necessary to arrange a return appointment for you to have the temporary veneers attached to your teeth. These are painless procedures which take around ten to fifteen minutes. A final appointment will be arranged at which the temporary laminate will be removed and a permanent laminate will be attached. After this a series of follow-up appointments will be arranged to allow the dentist to check that your teeth remain in good condition.

The fitting of the veneers

Before proceeding you will be guided through the various procedures so that you can decide if the procedure is something that you should consider. Any form of laminate is not just attached to your teeth and most require some form of cosmetic dental procedure. This requires filing down some of your existing enamel so that the veneer will fit and line up with your gum tissue. The new covering will act as a shield providing protection. It is inevitable that you will experience some discomfort for a few days but if required the dentist will provide medication to help you cope. Due to different offerings some treatment tweaking is required. This will be done by your dentist who will ensure that you are satisfied with the colour and that the size fits your mouth. There are also different dental laminates, a partial and full. A partial laminate covers maybe one tooth or a few teeth, a full laminate covers all your teeth. Like real teeth, laminates are hard wearing but they will eventually wear, requiring some form of repair or replacement. Their longevity is somewhere around twenty years however this varies depending on how well you care for your laminates.

woman smiling

Are other treatments available

Getting a few assessments and quotes for the treatment is a good idea. It must always be borne in mind that service and peace of mind should be the first consideration. The treatment must result in the smile that makes the patient happy. There are a variety of thinner laminates that could be appropriate. These are best suited to when only a few teeth need to be treated, as opposed to a full treatment. Straight forward teeth whitening may be all that is necessary and new materials and treatments are constantly being introduced. There is of course a limit however to the shading that tooth whitening can produce. It must also be remembered that it is not only the teeth whitening or laminate treatments that are required but in addition chips, cracks and gaps need to be corrected.  Occasionally a combination of different techniques and treatments may be required. In view of this it is in the patient’s interest to have a complete preliminary appointment where all the different options should be discussed so that the patient can make a properly informed decision.

Contact your dental practice for more information.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


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