Keeping It Simple: How to Pull off a Budget-Friendly Small Ceremony

Fuss-free weddings are trendy these days. The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has made engaged couples and the whole wedding industry rethink the whole grand wedding celebration theme.

Mirco weddings, in particular, have become the most viable option for a lot of couples who wanted to push through with their wedding plans. Even now, in 2021, with the COVID-19 vaccines rolling out, several couples still prefer holding smaller weddings.

It is for several good reasons, though. Smaller weddings are less expensive and require less time to organize. You could even pull off a DIY with smaller weddings. The best part about smaller weddings is you do not have to follow the traditional components of the ceremony.

If you are planning to have a smaller wedding in the future, here are some things you need to consider.

1. Go for a Short Guest List

The bulk of wedding costs usually comes from the guest count. The number of guests you are inviting to the wedding is essentially the baseline for how much food and drinks you need to provide and how big the venue you have to rent.

Limiting the guest list is the best way you can cut costs. Smaller weddings typically have guests under 100. If you truly want something more intimate and less expensive, go for a guest list ranging from 10 to 50 people.

But paring down your list is a lot harder than you imagine.

What wedding experts suggest to make it a whole lot easier is to ask yourself whether or not the person is someone you have talked to in the last two months. More than you realize, this one simple question makes sure that the most important people in your life are part of your Big Day.

2. Reconsider Traditions

With a pared-down guest list, you have a whole lot of options to revamp traditional elements. Unlike a grand wedding wherein you normally have to book a very expensive large-scale wedding venue, for a smaller wedding, you can choose an otherwise off-limits location.

It could be any scenic location you and your significant other love: an overlooking view at the national park, a favorite low-key restaurant, a serene and secluded beach resort, or simply the cozy backyard of your own home.

You also have plenty of themes you could choose from. You could go Bohemian, vintage, or alternative. You can also go for a rustic barn wedding. The options are endless.

Since you will be celebrating your wedding with just the closest friends and family, you have more freedom in picking the day and time to host your celebration. You no longer have to worry about what day is good for everyone, if not the majority.

bride and groom running

3. Focus On What Matters

There are a lot of “traditions” at a typical wedding. But if you opt for a smaller wedding celebration, you can ditch those traditions which you think do not matter and focus only on those that you value.

If the whole dancing and games are not to your appeal, then you can replace it with your personalized tradition.

For instance, rather than walking down the aisle in an expensive wedding dress, why not opt for that colorful dress you love that you bought from a thrift store? Want some unconventional dining like food trucks? Ditch the pricey wedding catering services.

If you think about it, the sky’s the limit in coming up with new wedding traditions.

4. Ask for Help If You Need to

When going for a small, budget-friendly wedding, it does not mean you have to do all the stuff by yourself. Keep in mind just because it says DIY does not mean you actually have to do it all by yourself.

Any willing friends and family members could be your little angels and help you out in preparing for your Big Day.

Ask help from your aunts with the decorations. A cousin who is good with makeup can be your makeup artist for the day. A good friend who loves baking can whip up some baked favors.

When you go for a “divide and conquer” approach in DIY wedding preparation, everything will stay affordable, and it removes some wedding preparation stress off your shoulders.

5. Stay True

During the whole wedding preparation process, it is inevitable that you will experience some setbacks, especially from those individuals who do not get your concept. Usually, it comes from uninvited relatives and even acquaintances.

But do not fear. Stand on your ground and go for the wedding celebration that feels right for you and your partner.

The crux of this whole smaller wedding is to invite only those who you want, break traditions, and keep things simple while not doubting your decision at the same time. Keep in mind that it is way better to start a married life debt-free.

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