Abrasive Media Options for Mold Remediation

Most people are now aware of the deadly effects of mold thanks to the educative campaigns on various platforms. There are two main things to remember when dealing with mold. You should prevent it by keeping places sufficiently dry, and you should effectively handle mold contamination promptly. Handling of mold effectively does not mean using homemade solutions to neutralize the spores then collecting them.

Mold spores are very light and will travel long distances then settle on even the smallest of spaces like air ducts. Without air duct cleaning in Salt Lake City, for instance, you cannot adequately rid it of mold infestation. The mold spores in your air ducts will be continually spread in your interiors and proliferate. To this end, it is essential to get mold remediation experts to handle contaminated areas. The experts will use HEPA vacuuming to get rid of the spores. The vacuum cleaner gets rid of 99% of airborne particles, measuring as little as 0.3 micrometers. HEPA vacuuming is, however, combined with abrasive cleaning using different media for complete mold removal. Here are the media options used for abrasive cleaning in this instance.


This is used to clean air ducts. It is effective for the removal of mold spores that have adhered to the duct surface. Water blasting will, however, not generate as thorough a clean as other abrasives. Moreover, there is a risk of the water destroying the electrical components of your air duct and the damp environment caused by improper drying supporting mold re-proliferation.


Sand and Grit

Sand and grit will disturb mold spores and detach them from contaminated surfaces. These abrasives might nonetheless be too aggressive for mold that is already broken into small particles that can pass through HEPA filters. Sand and grit are also ordinarily used for metallic and other strong surfaces since they can damage delicate surfaces being cleaned. Moreover, using these abrasives for mold remediation might attract an additional fee for the collection and disposal of secondary waste after cleaning.

Sodium Bicarbonate

This is baking soda. It is propelled on the surface being cleaned by compressed air. Soda blasting is a popular option for mold remediation because the abrasive is soft and does not damage even delicate contaminated surfaces. Even so, baking soda generates a considerable quantity of extra fine dust and secondary waste. This might necessitate additional time and extra cost for cleanup after the mold remediation service.

Dry Ice

This is delivered as soft recycled carbon dioxide pellets at supersonic speeds. The pellets create mini explosions when they come in contact with mold-contaminated surfaces and lift the spores off the affected area. Though expensive, dry ice blasting is safe, generates no secondary waste, and will not damage delicate surfaces.

Professional mold remediation starts with a documentation of the infestation and the creation of an effective plan. This way, the experts will know which among the above media will work best for your contaminated area. Tests will also be conducted after the remediation to ascertain that the area is mold-free.

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