A Handy List of Last-minute Preparations for Your Corporate Event

Sometimes, no matter how hard you prepare for a future corporate event, some things will fall through mere days before it happens. It can be that a keynote speaker cancels, an essential device breaks, or materials go missing. The pressure is intense, but it’s something that molds you into a better leader.

If it’s your first time organizing something big and you’re having trouble looking for a corporate event venue in Singapore, you can make the process less stressful. Are you running out of time? Here’s how you can impress your boss and colleagues:


You should have already familiarized yourself with the entire venue days before the event. Where the restrooms are, how many parking slots you have, and how you should adjust the temperature according to the room space. Don’t forget to memorize where the power sockets are as well. Make sure to leave some to spare during your event.

You’ll also need to prepare for things beyond the venue. Predict the traffic condition during the day of your event and adjust your program as best you can to accommodate this.


Accommodations, if applicable, are arranged weeks before the event, but it pays to remind everyone about what they are due before it takes place. Mandatory requirements such as dress code, venue and accommodation etiquette, and their roles in the program should be prompted to them so that no one deviates from your plan. Nonetheless, always make yourself available in case of emergencies. They are guests, after all.

It never hurts to memorize your guests’ names so that you can greet them politely once they arrive. Advise your team as well as the in-house staff to do the same as well.


Whether it’s an informal celebration or a black-suit corporate event, always bloat the time allotments for your program. You’ll never when a technical malfunction might take place or if a vital guest might turn up late.

The hosts you hired should have already been oriented during the day of the event. However, refrain from micro-managing them and try to encourage some light banter that’s suitable for the event. Encourage interaction so that the crowd doesn’t lose interest fast.

You’ll also probably have a documentation team, but make sure to do some documentation of your own for internal purposes.

Food and drinks

catering in an event

This is probably the part your guests are looking forward to the most. Hence, this might make or break your event. Always account for any of your guest’s food allergies. Ensure that you have vegan and Halal-compliant food options. If your guests are expected to bring children, then that might be a factor, too.

If you hired a catering service, make sure to remind them weeks, days, and right before the event about their ingress responsibilities. It also helps ease your guest’s worries if there’s a medic on call.


Lastly, don’t ever get too wound up on preparation that you forget to take care of yourself!

At the height of your distress weeks before the event, make sure to eat and drink plenty. This keeps you healthy during the event. Document your progress, too. If the event is significant, then pulling it off will look good on your portfolio.

Before the event itself, make sure to dress smartly. Dress exquisitely yet modestly so that you don’t draw attention to yourself as the host. Don’t forget to get plenty of rest!

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