What You Can Expect from a Mommy Makeover

Welcoming a child into this world is one of the greatest feelings in the world for a mother. No matter how difficult the pregnancy or labor was, everything fades away when you get to see and hold your newborn for the first time.

However, everything comes crashing down to earth in the next few days. Once you and your baby leave the hospital, you start to recover from the process of giving birth and discover the effects of pregnancy. You might have gained much weight, and your breasts and stomach have begun to sag and feel much heavier. This can result in a loss of confidence for new mothers, who will start to long for their pre-pregnancy bodies.

Fortunately, now there is a way to bring these old looks back through what is known as the “mommy makeover,” which is quickly gaining popularity in Salt Lake City and throughout the country. This refers to a collection of body contouring procedures that aim to improve the physical changes that linger after pregnancy. The most common target areas are the breasts, stomach, and buttocks. The specific procedures are tailored to each patient’s needs.

Here are the different kinds of procedures offered as part of the mommy makeover:

Breast augmentation

After pregnancy, especially among breastfeeding moms, it is possible to experience a loss in breast volume or witness asymmetry when it comes to breast size. This is what breast augmentation helps address. Breast augmentation requires breast implants. It transfers fat from another part of the body to improve the size and volume of the breast.

Breast lift

It is quite common after pregnancy or breastfeeding for the skin to begin to sag and the breasts to lose their original shape. A breast lift helps fix this by eliminating excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissues to improve and reshape the new breast contour. This, in turn, helps restore firmness to the breast to make it look and feel more youthful.

Buttock augmentation

Buttock augmentation is also available to help improve the contour and shape of the hips and buttocks after pregnancy. Given the amount of weight and pressure that this region bears during pregnancy, you might be left with sagging and loose skin in this area. Buttock augmentation helps address this through a combination of fat grafting and buttock implants.

Tummy tuck

tummy tuck

One of the most common effects of pregnancy on the stomach is the creation of loose, sagging skin and the weakening of muscles. This is where a tummy tuck comes in. A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty eliminates the excess fat and skin around the stomach as well as restores weakened muscles. This helps return the abdominal profile to its smooth and firm self, just like it was pre-pregnancy.


This is referred to as the process by which excess fat is removed from the body to give it a firm shape and improve body proportions. This helps complement all the other procedures to help remove the post-pregnancy weight gain and improve overall appearances.

Many new mothers who availed of the mommy makeover have said that doing so has helped them regain confidence and give their all when caring for their newborn. For this alone, mommy makeovers are more than worth it.

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