Prevent a House Fire by Taking Note of These Tips

A house fire is one of the worst things that can happen to us. With most of your belongings reduced to ash, there’s no way to recover fast and easy. Given that we only have as little as two minutes to run when a fire starts spreading, you really cannot risk staying longer to save your personal belongings.

Fires commonly begin in the kitchen, where fire hazard appliances such as gas stoves and ovens are located. When these appliances are left running unintentionally, fires can spread quickly. Other appliances such as dishwashers, refrigerators, and dryers are fire hazards as well. The dryer vent, for example, can burst into flames if the catcher has been overfilled with lint.

If your dryer starts showing signs of lint-caused damage, hire a dryer repair service in Salt Lake City or nearby locations. Here are some fire prevention tips to keep in mind:

Fire Hazard Appliances

With technology at its peak, even our appliances can now be operated via touch screens. But the circuitry is more complicated when mishandled and can result in a fire.

Here are the common appliances that can cause fire:

  1. Stove – The leading cause of house fires is cooking left unattended. Keep your eyes and attention on the stove while you’re cooking. Also avoid placing anything flammable nearby, such as aerosol cans.
  2. Oven – When in use, avoid putting a cloth on top of it, and also placing flammables nearby.
  3. Toaster – Always unplug and remove the crumbs in your toaster after each use. Never leave it unsupervised when in use as well, because if it fails to automatically switch off, a fire can start.
  4. Microwave – Unplug your microwave when not in use, because there have been incidents when faulty units switch on by themselves.
  5. Refrigerator – Short circuits and overheated compressors can start a fire in your fridge, so switch it off if you’ll be gone for a while.
  6. Dishwasher  – Never use your dishwasher moments before leaving the house, as it could malfunction and not automatically shut off after the cycle.
  7. Dryer – Remove lint in the catcher before it starts to build up and cause a fire.
  8. Furnace – Regularly replace filters to avoid debris build-up that can cause a fire. If you have a gas water heater, make sure nothing that easily catches fire is near the device.

Fire Prevention Tips, Tools, and Equipment

Overloaded power boards, close up

Install smoke alarms in every section of your home (all levels, all bedrooms, and exterior areas), and make sure they’re working by testing the batteries at least once a month. Always inspect your appliances, especially those that are used for heating or cooking. Make sure they’re switched off when not in use. Schedule regular cleaning to avoid fire-causing dirt buildup.

Electrical cords can also cause fires, so check their condition regularly. Avoid placing rugs or any fabric on top of cords that are plugged in, because the cords can heat up and burn the fabric. If you spot a damaged cord, call an electrician immediately.

Choose an extension cord that’s rated for the wattage of the device you’re using it for, but don’t use it as your main power source because it tends to deteriorate fast and cause a fire. Use candles with caution; forgotten candles are among the leading causes of fire, so never leave them unattended.

Lastly, have an escape plan prepared and practice it periodically. If by any chance, a fire still occurs, run to the nearest exit and report the incident immediately. Never risk your life trying to go back and save your belongings.

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