Marketing Strategy Suggestions for Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, your most important role is that of a marketer. But your marketing role does not stop at promoting and selling your community. A successful agent should actively seek out leads and prospective buyers while maintaining relationships with both past and current clients. The overall goal, after all, is to expose yourself to a larger audience and to lots of potential customers. Whether you want to put up land for sale or a house for rent in Donnybrook, following these steps will help you get those buyers:

Work on your online profile and use social media

It is important to establish a strong presence on the Internet with the help of a professional real estate website. Your website will help attract potential clients and referrals from previous customers. It should be mobile-friendly. Remember that Internet usage on mobile phones has long surpassed that on a desktop computer, with people using their smartphones as an extension of their real lives. To fully maximise your website as a solid branding tool, you should observe the following practices:

  • SEO web design and frequently update strategies
  • Effective website layout
  • Sharp, professional photos and videos
  • Compelling property listings
  • IDX-optimised search bar
  • Chatbots
  • Clear and effective calls to action
  • Free and valuable real estate resources (blog posts)
  • Newsletter subscription groups

It is equally important to have social media presence by having dedicated accounts such as Facebook and LinkedIn, which are relatively inexpensive but will have a greater reach to different markets. Take a look at which social media your top competitors use. Choose at least three platforms to avoid spreading yourself too thin.

It’s one thing to have social media accounts; it’s another thing to be actually present and active on these platforms. Make sure to engage your followers. Give them a reason to keep following and interacting with you.

Invest in virtual staging for your properties

couple looking at laptop screen

A study conducted by the University of South Florida revealed that virtual tours will increase the likelihood of successful transactions. If you want to stay competitive in the industry, then real estate technology is an area that will give you that extra edge. Create 3-D tours and virtual walk-throughs for all your property listings. Many interested buyers would prefer to get a comprehensive view of a property and be able to ask questions from the comfort of their homes.

Go offline with experiential marketing

Engagement or experiential marketing is a growing trend that focuses on the experience to engage clients and foster a closer bond between customers and real estate agents. Here are some ideas for this kind of marketing:

  • Hold informational seminars and workshops
  • Hold regular open houses and partner with local businesses
  • Lead a tour of historical places as well as up-and-coming neighbourhoods
  • Tap third-party experts for exchange forums featuring talks relating to real estate
  • Organise a soccer game and provide food and drinks

There is a large pool of clients in real estate. But let’s face it: The competition is fierce in this industry. You’ll need these foolproof marketing strategies to help you keep pace with all the changes.

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