Career Success in Healthcare While Raising a Family

Integrating healthcare and family life can be challenging. A new study from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) gives credence to this. The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on healthcare turnover rates, according to the research. Women with children under five years old had a 43% higher turnover rate than the general health care workforce. In fact, women working in health occupations with children aged 0-5 had the highest likelihood of quitting their jobs.

Still, having a successful healthcare career while being a parent is possible. Here are six tips for how to make it work.

Find a Flexible Position

When looking for a healthcare career that can be done while raising a family, it is important to find a flexible position. This means finding a job that offers part-time hours or a flexible schedule. Finding a position that can be done remotely, if possible, is also important.

Many hospitals and clinics offer part-time and flexible scheduling options that can allow you to work around your family’s needs. There are also many positions in the healthcare industry that can be done remotely, such as billing and coding, which can give you even more flexibility.

If you negotiate a flexible position, you can ensure that you can work around your family’s needs.

Ask About Family Leave Policies

Another important thing to consider when looking at different healthcare careers is the family leave policy. Many hospitals and clinics offer paid parental leave, which can help ease the transition into parenthood. Additionally, many states have laws mandating that employers provide a certain amount of paid family leave, so it’s always worth asking about before you accept a position.

By asking about the family leave policy, you can ensure that you can take time off to care for your children.

Take Certification Courses Online

Some countries require all healthcare professionals to be certified in order to practice. In the US, for example, you need to pass the NCLEX exam in order to become a registered nurse. While not mandatory, the Care Certificate was launched in the United Kingdom in 2013 to set high standards for healthcare professionals and assure the public that they will get the best possible care from these professionals.

If you’re considering a career in healthcare in these countries while raising a family, taking new online Care Certificate or NCLEX courses can be a great option. This way, you can study on your own time and at your own pace, without having to worry about childcare.

A smiling woman attending an online class

Consider Childcare Options

When pursuing a healthcare career while raising a family, it’s important to consider your childcare options. If you’re working full-time, you’ll need to find reliable childcare that can take care of your children while at work. Additionally, many employers offer childcare benefits, so it’s worth asking about your options before accepting a position.

There are many types of childcare options available, so it’s important to find one that fits your needs. Some parents choose to send their children to daycare, while others opt for a nanny or au pair. Many online childcare options are also available, such as tutoring or virtual daycare.

With the right childcare option, you can ensure that your children are getting the care they need while you’re at work.

Make Time for Yourself

It’s also important to remember to make time for yourself while pursuing a healthcare career while raising a family. Taking care of yourself is essential for being able to take care of others, so be sure to schedule “me time” every week, even if it’s just an hour or two.

For example, you could schedule time for yourself to exercise, read, or take a relaxing bath. You could also consider hiring a babysitter so that you can have a night out with your friends or partner. Making time for yourself is essential for maintaining your own health and well-being.

Seek Out Support

Finally, don’t forget to seek out support from others when you’re pursuing a healthcare career while raising a family. Talk to your partner or spouse about your goals and what they can do to help support you. Additionally, there are many online and in-person support groups for parents who are also pursuing careers in healthcare. These groups can provide invaluable support and advice from others facing similar challenges.

Key Takeaways

Pursuing a healthcare career while raising a family is definitely challenging. Still, achieving success in both areas is possible if you put in the effort and have a good support system. Remember to find a flexible position, ask about family leave policies before accepting a job, take the necessary courses online, consider your childcare options carefully, make time for yourself every week, and seek out support from others who understand what you’re going through. With these tips in mind, you can pursue your dreams while also taking care of your loved ones.

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