Getting Ready for a One-of-a-kind Adventure: Truck Camping

If you haven’t experienced any type of camping yet in your life, starting with truck camping can be pretty epic. It’ll feel like you’re in a romantic coming-of-age movie that screams “goals!”

But as fun as exhilarating as it sounds, truck camping shouldn’t be done on a whim, unless you’re only camping out in your backyard. But if it’s mountains, springs, and rocky terrains we’re talking about, then you and your truck will need a period of prepping.

So here’s a simple guide to having a fun and safe truck camping:

Gearing up Your Truck

If you’ve just bought a high-performance used truck, be sure that its condition is fit for traveling long distances and withstanding uneven terrains. Otherwise, it might need to undergo certain modifications.

But if it’s pretty much ready, gear it up with these essentials:

  • Truck Bed Tent

There is a variety of custom truck bed tents available, but before picking one, consider how many people will sleep in it, its sturdiness, your budget, your truck bed’s size, the weather, and the tent’s overall material.

If you’re camping in a group, your truck bed won’t likely suffice for all of you. Better settle for a cabin-style tent that you’ll pitch on the ground. Another alternative is using a roof top tent, but that’s only if your truck has a hard topper.

  • Air Mattress

Even if you’re not really planning to sleep, a comfy mattress will still come in handy. Be sure that your chosen mattress fits your truck perfectly, has an internal pumping mechanism, and comes with a portable air compressor. And as it goes without saying, it should be durable.

But if you’re sleeping in a pitched tent, a sleeping bag is the better option.

  • Emergency Kit

Whether you’ll have a good truck camping experience or not depends primarily on the performance or behavior of your truck. Hence, stock up on emergency supplies, just in case you’ll experience a flat tire or any other mishap. Below are the items you need:

  • GPS navigator and personal locator
  • Spare tires
  • Jumper cables
  • Reflectors
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Pocket knife
  • Hi-lift jacks
  • Portable air compressor
  • Synthetic winch

Safety Tips


Wild animals aren’t the only dangers you should watch out for. People and the elements can just be as threatening, if not more, so be cautious in their presence, too.

Hence, before choosing a campsite, ask yourself or your group if they’d be comfortable in it. If it’s in a destination far away from civilization, you might experience a total blackout at night. There will also be no network signal, which will be inconvenient in an emergency.

If you’re camping alone, the risks will even be bigger. So it’s advised to bring a companion, like a dog, if you’re really set on camping solo.

It’s okay to engage with the people you’ll meet in the campsite. But avoid oversharing personal details such as where you keep your cash and valuables. If you’re talking about hobbies, avoid mentioning specific model names of equipment related to those hobbies.

To be safe from insect bites, use an insect repellent, and spray your truck’s door frames and screens with the same product, too. Bring medications as well in case of bee stings.

But more importantly, thoroughly research about your prospect destinations first. This helps you determine whether you’ll be safe enough, or if you’ll be comfortable despite the risks. This also lets you know the exact safety tools you need to bring.

Keep Warm

Research the climate of your destination. If cold weather is in the forecast, bring the essentials, which include jackets and insulation. Remember than when camping, it’s better to overstock than to come short in supplies. Treat it seriously, because truck camping should be a fun adventure, not a traumatic one!

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