Debunk Myths About Sleep and Have a Good One

Sleep is essential. If one would analyze, this activity takes one-third of a person’s day. People aspire for better sleep. But for some, it seems elusive. There are many tips for setting the mood for a good sleep. Without question, it is a must to invest in high-quality mattresses for your Provo home. You also have to make your room dim and cool enough.

Another key to having a quality sleep is debunking some common misconceptions about it. When you do, you can be on your way to dreamland. What are these myths about sleeping that you must throw outside your bedroom window?

There Is Power in the Snooze Button

How many times have you hit the snooze button this morning? The rationale behind this “helpful” button is for you to extend your sleep time. It may feel good to have five more minutes snuggled in your bed. But the truth is that it does more harm than good.

Going back to sleep after hitting snooze puts you in a vicious cycle of being in a deep sleep and being jolted out of it. The result will be a feeling of grogginess throughout the day. Also, you will have a disrupted sleep cycle. Therefore, do yourself a favor and do away with the snooze button.

More Hours = Better Sleep

Most people equate good sleep to the number of hours they stay in bed. So, for some, they aim for double digits of sleep time. Unless you are a child who needs 10 to 12 hours of sleep, seven to nine hours a day is enough.

More than that may pose a risk to your health. Or the need to sleep longer hours is a symptom that something is wrong. Instead of aiming for longer hours, go for quality sleep.

Naps Are Allies

For some who find it hard to sleep at night, they use naps to compensate. They think that sleep is sleep regardless of what time of the day it is. There are benefits to having power naps. But studies say that more than 20 minutes of a nap can affect your sleep cycle at night. In fact, for people who are resetting their internal clocks, it is advised to drop naps altogether.


You Can Catch up on Sleep

Have you ever experienced having little sleep for a few nights? Then, you comfort yourself by saying that you will sleep more in the next few days for you to catch up on lost sleep. The bad news is that there is no such thing. Lost sleep cannot be regained that way.

A night of less sleep will not be detrimental to your health. You may expect to have a feeling of grogginess and less attentiveness for the day. But the habitual loss of sleep will put you in a “sleep debt” or “sleep deficit.” No amount of sleeping in can correct this. The best way is to reset your circadian rhythm.

Insomnia Means Difficulty in Sleeping

What most people know of insomnia is that it is the state of finding it difficult to sleep. Thus, you think that you do not have it when you can easily drift off to sleep at night. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. Insomnia also means waking up several times at night and waking up still feeling tired. If you have such symptoms, it is best to check if you are suffering from insomnia.

A good sleep affects many things in your life. Your moods, your productivity, and your general health are on the line. Shake off some misconceptions and see the difference.

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