Break Room Games Every Office Should Have

Every office needs a break room. It’s been noted that break rooms can help increase your workforce’s productivity by allowing them to de-stress and “recharge”. Some office break rooms simply have tables, chairs, coffee, and a few magazines. However, having games at the break room won’t only be more effective at de-stressing, but can help your workers socialize and may even sharpen their minds. As such, we’ll be taking a look at a few games that you can add to your break room:

Ping Pong Table

Ping pong tables have become somewhat of a staple break room game. They don’t require as much physical exertion and rely more on quick thinking and reflexes. A bout of ping pong for a few minutes can help your employees temporarily detach themselves from work and help them recharge their mental batteries. Ping pong tables are also considerably cheap and easy to install, some are even foldable, so they’re easy to store as well.


Another break room classic is the foosball, which is a table game based on football. Depending on its size, it can be played by two or more players, and can rely on quick reflexes and timing. Similar to ping pong, it doesn’t require as much physical exertion, but can immerse the players, and could even build coordination between your workers when playing foosball as teams.


Cornhole, or sack toss, is a game wherein you toss bean bags, which were originally filled with corn hence the name, into a raised platform with a hole at the end. It can be played solo or with other competitors and don’t require that much space or physical exertion, making it an excellent addition to your break room. For smaller break rooms, there are miniature versions of this game available in the market as well. Some shops that have Cornhole equipment for sale sometimes offer to have the boards and bags personalized, so you can add your company’s name and logo on them, making them more appealing and fit well in your office’s break room.

Arcade Games and Gaming Consoles

Man playing video gamesArcade games are both aesthetically pleasing and fun. Having one or two arcade games in your break room can allow employees to compete on getting high scores or immerse and have fun. Alternatively, you can invest in gaming consoles to provide your workers with more gaming options. Certain video games, especially fast-paced or puzzle-based ones, can even help sharpen one’s mental skills and hand-eye coordination, which can be useful at work. Video and arcade games are can also be an effective social tool, and a means to relax after a grueling day at work.

Board Games

There are a plethora of board games you can add to your office’s break room. Board games are a fun and leisurely way to de-stress and socialize. Even if you have these other more physical games in your break room, it’s always nice to have some board games for your employees to bond over with without having to break a sweat. Board games are relatively cheap, and — depending on the game — aren’t as restrictive to the number of players as compared to video games.


There are so many other games that you can add to your office’s break room apart from the ones mentioned. Just make sure that you carefully choose games that aren’t that physically taxing or can cause any injuries, as you’d want your employees to have options to de-stress but not tire themselves out. Also, while office break room games can help your workforce unwind and de-stress, you should consider having a quiet break room for those who wish to read, eat their snacks, meditate, or lounge for a bit in between work.

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