Simple Tips to Make Your Guests Remember Your Party

Throughout the pandemic, any social activity has been a great boon. And since the house is a safer place to party, most people would love to attend house parties.

Many assume that a house party does not need many arrangements. However, it does require a few deals. Although the venue is the house, you have to get adequate supplies of everything a party demands. Apart from that, you have to be the coordinator at the party, which is where many people fall short.

If you have decided to host a party at home, take at least a month to sort and plan. It will help you devise some great activities so that your guests do not get bored. Without engaging activities, your guests would complain about the party.

Here is everything you need to plan and keep in mind while the party is on.

Planning Before the Party

Clean the House

You should ensure to get your house cleaned and sanitized. It can be a spring-cleaning excuse just before the party. If you have sofa sets for the guests, you have to get the upholstery cleaned and dusted. Additionally, you should install air fresheners and deodorizers on the premises. This will ensure that all bad smells are absorbed. You can also try placing bowls of potpourri on the center tables. Cleaning the bathrooms is another task that most miss out on. However, that is something that puts guests off. So ensure to get the place cleaned and sanitized as well.

Stock Up on Ice Cubes

This is something that most hosts forget to do. You never know what the drinking style will be like unless you are very close. Moreover, people’s tastes change over time. You can also freeze some fruit slices and freeze them. It will add another dimension to your cocktails and mocktails. Furthermore, the guests will notice this and surely praise you.

Check the HVAC System

Checking your central heating and cooling mechanism’s temperature settings is another must-do. If it is hot outside, ensure to switch the coolers on well before the guests arrive. On the other hand, if the weather is cool, turn up the temperature before the guests start coming in. It will make your guests comfortable. Also, keep in mind that crowded places need more cooling and ventilation. So you should plan well for this.

Check the Bar

drinking with friends

It is your duty as the host to check if all kinds of drinks are present in your bar. A well-stocked bar will give a great impression, and your guests will keep talking about your generosity in the days to come. However, abstain from making a show of your collection. It can interfere with the decor and make the place look tacky. Additionally, you should have sleek equipment like a classic Hario V60 Coffee Server Set ready beside the main bar. Many people prefer to have something warm on entering the party premises. There will also be some people who drink coffee right after a meal, so you should have different options of beverages ready.

Invite Guests

After you are done with all the pre-planning, like house cleaning and purchasing supplies, you need to send invites some time ahead of the party date. It is always better to invite everyone personally. You should call everyone individually and call for the party. Always try to make it a mix, so there will be different entertainers and characters. It will make the party more happening.

Things to Do During the Party

Welcome Your Guests

When the party begins, you should stand at the entrance or at least stay nearby to welcome the guests. Do not bring in staff to do that. Your guests may get annoyed. Now, if you have invited hundreds, you might need some assistance from a family member.

Greet Them With a Hug

It is not a mandate, but hugs make people feel nice. You can also add a peck on the cheeks. Do ask them at that very instance if they prefer a hot beverage, snacks, or something else. It will make them comfortable instantly. You can also show them the way to the food table.

Create a Locker Room

Most women carry bags with them, while men carry laptops. Thus, you might as well arrange a space for them to keep their belongings safely. They will be overwhelmed with your generosity. That will allow them to keep their hands-free and feel more at comfort.

Provide Different Seating Options

You must ensure different seating options like sofas, chairs, ottomans, and poufs. Moreover, keep a few garden chairs there if you have a garden. The greenery does beckon many people.

Start With Games

It is a great way to break the ice. At every party, a few guests come in for the first time. Take time out to introduce them to the older lot, as well. Games help every bond. You can also get some great photos clicked until next time.

These are a few tips that will make you a successful host for your house party. When you host another one, your guests will look forward to your warm welcome.

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