Facilitating Your Loved One’s Recovery Following Hip Replacement

Caring for a loved after they undergo an operation is no piece of cake. There are things they can’t safely do, or else complications can happen. This means that you will need to be there for them both physically and emotionally to help facilitate a faster recovery.

Is your loved one scheduled for hip replacement surgery in Highland? Then know that they will need your help doing even some of the simplest activities. As their new hip is healing, they need more than just your motivation. Here’s what you can do to help facilitate their faster recovery.

Consult their doctor

Right after the operation, their doctor will give you a set of instructions. This will include the prescription medicine that they need to take, wound care, special equipment needs, and other dos and don’ts. Keep these things in mind and ask questions as necessary. Ask for future appointment schedule dates; don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Make home modifications as necessary

You will need to make certain changes so that your home is feasible for their recovery. This includes clearing hallways, getting rid of fall hazards, and maintaining a well-lit home. Install safety bars in their bathroom and handrails in stairways. Open up common rooms so that they can easily and safely move around. A raised toilet seat and a stable shower chair are also a good idea.

Encourage them to stay active

Just because they have just gotten out the hospital doesn’t mean that they can no longer stay active. Your doctor will prescribe your loved one with home exercises. This is to prevent a blood clot from forming and help restore their strength and mobility. Their surgeon may recommend them to undergo rehab to foster faster recovery.

Keep them on a strict diet and manage their weight

After hip surgery, you will need to help your loved one maintain a healthy diet. If they gain some weight, it can put an unnecessary strain on their new hip. This can lead to complications, which are something you would want to avoid. A balanced diet is a must, so keep an eye on their diet.

Help keep their surgery site clean

Their wound needs to be kept clean and dry. Make sure to always wash your hands properly before and after taking care of their incision. Follow the wound care tips shown to you by their doctor. Always watch out for signs of infection and inform their doctor right away.

Remind them to take their medications

It is easy to forget when their next medicine is due, so make sure to remind them. Make sure that they take their medicine on time and as prescribed by their doctor. Always check if they still have more pain medicine and ask their doctor to fill in a prescription as needed.

Know when to call their doctor

Rehab therapist guiding female patient

There are times when you will need their doctor’s assistance asap. If you ever find signs of infection on the incision site such as cloudy wound drainage, opening wound, excessive redness, or increasing pain of persistent high fever, call their doctor right away. Did your loved one fell on their new hip? Or maybe they experienced nosebleed or find blood in their stool or urine? These are also signs that you need to call their doctor asap.

Surgery can cause an emotional turmoil to both the patient and their loved ones. However, know that your loved one needs you now more than ever. With this guide and by following the doctor’s orders, you’ll find it easier to help your loved one recover faster.

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