Revamping the Yard: Three Tactics to Create the Perfect Conversation Area in Your Yard

What’s good about outdoor spaces is they can be your extended living area. In fact, many homeowners like to spend their chill time in their patios or decks more than in their formal living rooms, watching the sunset, while enjoying some barbecue and beer, taking in that cool breeze. The cherry on top of this delightful, relaxing scenery is that you get to do all of these while having some deep, meaningful talks with your family and friends. If you want to elevate this entire experience, spruce up your outdoor space and turn it into the perfect conversation spot with these design tactics:

1. Find a focal point

The statement element can either be existing already or added. For instance, a ‘default’ focal point can be the view of the sunset. If you’re lucky to have such a gorgeous sight readily seen from your patio, arrange your seating furniture towards that scenery. Make sure to maintain good sight lines as well. Get rid of trees or fences blocking that view.

Another existing focal point that may be in your outdoor area is the very plant species. If you happen to have the Eastern redbud or the Japanese maple tree, emphasize them, as these are visually appealing elements. If there are no interesting garden features in your yard though, you can build your own focal point. Round up your seating furniture and place a fire pit in the middle. With warmth and hazy light to keep you cozy, you’ll find yourself spending lots of time talking in this area of your house. If you’re on a search for unique outdoor fire pits, Utah companies offer customized ones.

2. Layer up the greenery

Garden with fenceThis will essentially serve two purposes: privacy and aesthetic. When you surround the conversation area with plants, you’ll be able to define further the space and make it a little more intimate. Of course, you can always use panels or fences, but going au naturel is, of course, better, right? This brings the second function of greenery, which is the visual appeal. It’s far easier on the eyes (and pleasing for your Instagram profile) when there’s nature all around. That said, go put some hedges or bushes around your conversation area. You can also use potted flowering plants, in containers of different sizes and shapes. Take note, though, that whatever you put there will affect your color palette, so make sure that it aligns with your over-all design vision. More importantly, do pick plants that don’t attract bees.

3. Create dramatic lighting

Lighting can make your conversation area three times more visually appealing. That’s because this very element can instantly create that chill, relaxing mood. But how exactly do you make lighting right? First, keep it low-key. Bright lights are a no-no in this lounge area. You don’t want your guests squinting at the glare. Pick instead the types of lighting that define your deck floors. Use step or rail-mounted lights. LED strips are also a good option. From there, move to the natural features of the outdoor space, like for instance, the trees and the landscaping. String lights are a very trendy choice for this. Of course, don’t forget to light up your fire pit. The natural glow from the pit will surely make the space more homey and cozy.

Your outdoor room can be your family’s relaxing retreat after a long day. Make it as comfortable as you can by sprucing it up with these design moves.

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