Maintaining Your New Home as Someone with Asthma

When you move into a new home, it’s important to inspect it for any potential asthma triggers. Many asthma triggers can be hidden, so you should take your time to check your home thoroughly. You should also plan well on how to safely deal with these asthma triggers without causing you to have an asthma attack. You can always ask for help from family and friends to help you make your new home more asthma-friendly. Here are some things you can do to help make your new home more asthma-safe:

Identify Potential Asthma Triggers

Many potential asthma triggers can be present in homes. Some of the most common ones include dust and pets. Identifying these triggers and taking steps to remove them or avoid them altogether is essential.

Dust can be a major asthma trigger for many people. Getting rid of all the dust in your home can be difficult, but you can take steps to minimize it. Try to keep your home clean and free of clutter. Vacuum and mop regularly, and dust furniture and surfaces often.

Pets can be a big problem for people with asthma. Pets like cats and dogs can bring in allergens like pollen, dander, and fur. If the previous homeowner has pets, then it’s likely that there are pet allergens leftover in your home. Common places and items that may keep these allergens include carpets, beds, and upholstery. You can have these items professionally cleaned to ensure that they are free from sources of asthma triggers and lower your risk of an attack.

Reducing Humidity in your Home

Humidity is one of the main factors that can contribute to asthma triggers. When the humidity level is high, it can create an ideal environment for mold to grow. It can also increase the levels of dust mites, which are a common asthma trigger. You can take steps to reduce the humidity in your home by using a dehumidifier, fixing any leaks or moisture problems, and keeping the humidity level low. If your humidity levels go over 50%, it can generate enough moisture for mold to start growing.

Cleaning Tips

When you have asthma, it’s essential to take precautions when cleaning your home. Asthma triggers like dust can easily be stirred up when you’re cleaning, leading to an asthma attack. This is why you must clean your home as often as necessary before the dust can accumulate. When you are cleaning, use a HEPA filter vacuum to help remove dust and other possible asthma triggers from your home. Moreover, you should also avoid using harsh chemicals and cleaning products. Instead, opt for natural cleaners or milder products that are less likely to cause asthma attacks.

Focus on vacuum on a carpeted floor

Maintaining Your Pool

If your new home comes with a pool, maintaining it is important to keep the water quality high. However, it should also meet your needs. If the strong smell of chlorine can trigger your asthma, you may want to consider an alternative like saltwater. This type of pool is easier on the skin and eyes and doesn’t have the same potent smell.

In addition, it’s also important to keep the pH level of your pool water in the correct range. Doing so will ensure it does not become too acidic and cause skin irritation, red eyes, and other problems. However, you’d want a system that can complement your saltwater pool. To do this, you can get a pool maintenance system that will naturally adjust swimming pool pH, making it easier to maintain in the long run while avoiding harsh chemicals. This can further reduce the risk of asthma triggering while you’re maintaining your pool or when you go in for a swim.

Designate a Specific Space for Your Asthma Medicine

It’s always better to be prepared. You should designate a space for all your asthma medicine and ensure they’re always within reach in case of an attack. You can keep your medicine near your home’s entrance, in your nightstand drawer, in the living room cabinet, or in a kitchen drawer. Additionally, ensure that all your medicines are in one place, including your inhalers, steroids, and bronchodilators. It’s also important to check the expiration dates on your prescriptions and replace them when necessary. You should also keep a handy list of all your medications and dosages, so you can easily refer to them if needed.

When you move into your new home, it is important to ensure that it is free from potential asthma triggers. You should regularly inspect your home for mold or dust accumulation and take immediate action. These precautions can keep your home healthy and comfortable for years to come.

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