7 Carpet-Cleaning Hacks We Thought You Should Know

Carpets are nice to look at and a great accent to any home or space. They come in different shapes and sizes and are made of various materials. They make for great insulation during colder seasons and awesome to walk barefoot on during the summer.

One of the downsides of dressing up your spaces with carpets and area rugs is maintenance. It goes beyond the weekly vacuum runs you do. Getting the help of professionals who do commercial carpet cleaning in Lehi, UT, or any other place in the United States is helpful in keeping your carpets and rugs in great shape. However, there are times when you need to do the job yourself. We have listed a few carpet-cleaning hacks we think are helpful for the regular Joe (and Jane):

7 Hacks for Cleaning Carpets

1. Use a lint roller.

For the stubborn crud, crumbs, hair, and fur that just won’t go away even after all the vacuuming you do, use a lint roller. With a little elbow grease and some attention to detail, you can give your carpet a deeper cleaning that vacuum alone can’t do.

2. Squeegee pet hair away.

Pet hair and fur are notoriously hard to get off carpet surfaces. This is where a squeegee comes in handy. Even though a squeegee was made for windows, it is designed to take out the gunk, frost, and even pet hair from surfaces. Simply water the squeegee like you normally would and give it a go.

3. Iron out stains.

This one is a three-step process. First, you have to run a vacuum over the affected area. Second, you treat the spots with either a homemade solution or a cleaning agent. Lastly, place a towel over the affected surface and press an iron on it set to high. The pressure and heat will allow the towel to absorb the stain, leaving as little trace on the rug as possible.

4. Make your own homemade deep-carpet solution.

While there are a lot of great options in the market for carpet cleaners, you can cut down on costs by making your own solution.

cleaning materials

5. Use baking soda for oil and pet stains.

Apply a generous amount of baking soda on the affected area and let it sit until the powder absorbs the stain and a dry crust forms around the edges. Scrape off what you can then vacuum the rest to get the remaining powder off the rug.

6. Use rubbing alcohol to remove nail polish.

Contrary to people saying that rubbing alcohol will bleach your carpet, no clear rubbing alcohol is strong enough to strip your carpet off its colors. However, it is highly effective in taking out stains caused by nail polish. Chip off as much dried nail polish as you can and gently rub the area with a clean piece of cloth soaked with alcohol.

7. Ice cubes to take out gum.

Gum is probably one of the most annoying things to take off from any surface — your hair, under the table, on the pavement, and especially on your carpet. Simply put ice on the gum and leave it for five to 10 minutes to let the gum harden. Once it’s hard enough, gently scrape it off.

Make life easier for you and your carpet with these hacks. All it takes is a little know-how and some patience and your carpets will end up looking fresh and new again.

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