Dentists delivering dental care for all!

The pace of life in a city like London makes it difficult sometimes to remember to take care of yourself. Teeth can often be taken for granted even though they are one of the most important parts of our anatomy. A dentist in London who provides the full range of dental treatments makes it easier for patients to adhere to a proper oral care regime. Dental care is needed by patients of all ages and is an additional motivation to develop a long lasting relationship with a dentist you trust.

A defining feature

Your teeth can be an important feature when someone meets you for the first time. When people meet, the first few seconds tend to be a defining moment in a relationship. A smile is often remembered and the warmer the smile the greater the impression it leaves. Meeting someone with dull, stained teeth will often not leave a positive memory and a simple teeth whitening in London could turn that memory from a negative to a positive. There is no need for someone to suffer from bad breath because of poor dental hygiene. Dentists provide education on how to avoid bad breath with correct, regular oral hygiene care.

Cosmetic improvements

dentist implanting a tooth

There are a range of cosmetic dentistry procedures which can be conducted in a short space of time that will make a world of difference to your life. Chipped and cracked teeth can spoil your smile, porcelain dental veneers in London can produce an instant improvement. Gaps between your teeth can look unattractive, but can also harbour bacteria, composite bonding can quickly be used to fill those gaps. Cosmetic improvements are more than just a way to improve your appearance, they can also provide practical dental solutions. Bacteria in the mouth can live in dental cracks and spaces between your gums and your teeth, eventually leading to bad breath and tooth decay. Fixing the cracks, chips and gaps reduces places in your mouth where bacteria can hide leading to healthier teeth and gums.

Older patients

Elderly patients often suffer from dental wear and tear and tooth loss, but as dentistry has evolved older patients are now able to enjoy treatments that provide a variety of solutions. Dentures and bridges have traditionally been the answer to loss of teeth. Over the past decades a solution has been discovered which mimics our natural teeth. Each tooth is anchored to the jawbone by a root. Dental implants utilise this knowledge by placing a titanium post which acts as a root into the place where the original root was located. A crown that is shaped and coloured is then placed onto the post to replace the lost tooth. The experience and skill of a dental team can offer this procedure to patients as an alternative to dentures and bridges.

Don’t forget the little ones

Preventive dentistry starts with the children and the sooner that they are introduced to the dental practice the better their chances are of retaining their teeth for a lifetime. Dental anxiety is easier to overcome when it is dealt with early and there is no better time than when a child is young. At this age they are just visiting another place so the dental surgery will become a secure, familiar place for them. Over time they will become happy with the surroundings and the staff so the dental surgery will be a place where they can play and relax, just like at home.

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