How to Create Stunning Retail Store Windows

You’ve expanded your retail store operation, and it’s currently undergoing renovation. One of the contractors is quietly working away at implementing a smart stair design that leads to your back of the house storage facility. You’re more preoccupied with how your front window should look like. There were some unflattering comments about the previous look. You’ve taken them to heart, and that was part of the reason why you want to do a renovation.

You’re still canvassing for interior designers who might help you get the job done. What are the primary considerations that you should focus on? Here are a few ideas:

What Your Display Window Is

Your front store retail window is like a giant business card that advertises your brand, products, and services. In the words of the young generation of today, you need to get enough eyeballs on your store to generate business. Pictures of products are the bomb on the phone or a tablet. But nothing pops like real colors and textures from a display window.

Images on social media, like Pinterest, are all about the product, but a front store window focuses more on what attracts the customer. The approach is shopper-centric rather than product-centric.

How to Create a Stunning Display

store window

It’s not going to be one-size-fits-all, and the approach can vary according to the product you’re selling. But there are common threads that run on high display windows, regardless of the merchandise. Here’s what you need to consider:

  1. Create visual space. Do not overcrowd your window with plenty of items. Work on your display areas and find a place for something that you want to highlight for the customers. Other items should be displayed in the periphery of the main items. The eyes work better when it’s not overwhelmed. The visual space your creating allows the eye to rest and appreciate each of the items on display.
  2. Be creative with the use of themes. Sure, using themes can attract attention. But the critical thing to do is to sustain attention. If Mother’s Day is coming, don’t just display items that moms want. Be creative and try narrating a story using your display. Why not create a diorama about the love between Mom and Dad?
  3. Let there be light. Proper lighting is critical to your display window. Make sure that accents or other props are not casting shadows on your main display items.
  4. Colors are still magical. Even meat shop windows look good with a block of yellow Gouda cheese, amid the reddish color of meats and sausage. Find ways to incorporate stunning colors into your display window. Some say that the bolder the color, the better.
  5. Schedule changes. You don’t want to bore your customers — quite the opposite. You need to create anticipation, and you do this by regularly changing your display window. Some recommend that it be done monthly. But the frequency may also depend on your budget as well as the nature of your business. Determine a schedule that isn’t too long or too quick for the customers.

Your goal is not only to be admired from the outside of your window. Make sure that your display window is designed in a way that entices potential customers to come into your store.

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